Why You Feel Giddy During Exercise??Wanna Know

Do you feel sleepy, or have vertigo, or tend to fall, if yes, then you also come in those people who feel giddy during exercise or after the exercise.

So I want to tell you, if you are going somewhere wrong during exercise, don’t be tensed just read this:

1)    The first and most important thing you are forgetting is lack of fluid, our body needs at least 7 to 8 glass of water and food which contain lot of fluid like curd and fruit juice, so always drink water while exercise or even after exercise.

2)    If you work out in morning after your last meal which you had around 9 hours back , your body seems to be so low on energy and it requires a good amount of nutritious food  so always eat fruit or drink fruit juice before half an hour of exercise

3)    If you are suffering from anemia then it is also the reason behind feeling dizzy while doing or after exercise

4)    Fast movements in exercise can cause the giddiness to those people who are suffering from the problem of low blood pressure, so better to perform those exercises which are not so fast. You can go for the floor exercise or normal walking

5)    After doing an important leg exercise, the blood rushes into the leg to give energy to  the muscles, so never sit after doing exercise ,just keep moving your body even in slow motion

6)    Correct the way you breath while doing exercise ,never hold your breath during exercise, inhale the oxygen properly; this can improve the capacity of your lungs and also controls the heart rate by going so faster

7)    If you stop doing exercise for some time and then you again think of trying something different and new,  this might also become the reason of dizziness for you

8)    Low blood pressure also becomes the reason behind getting giddy.

This is very important to keep all this things in mind if you do not tend to fall or dizziness, so always remember those things which can make you healthy and help you keep away from the troubles.


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