Know The Various Symptoms Of Sickle Cell Anemia

Sickle cell anemia, a genetic disease usually affects different ethnic group that includes African-Americans. The National Heart Lung And Blood Institute says that this disease results in the lack of red blood cells that carries healthy oxygen in the human body. This condition further results in anemia. The red blood cells become rigid and take the shape of crescent moon.

Let us have a look at the various symptoms of sickle cell anemia:

  • Anemia: As the sickle shaped cells get damaged easily and die, our body fells the lack of oxygen. Tiredness and fatigue are its outcome, which is a sickle cell anemia symptom, as said by Mayo Clinic.
  • Jaundice: As the liver has to deal with the filtering of blood cells constantly, a condition known as jaundice can even take place. A yellowish tint in the skin and eyes is caused due to this condition.
  • Pain: A very important symptom of sickle cell anemia is the bouts of pain when there is an obstruction in the flow of blood by blood cells through the vessels. The pain occurs in places such as bones, abdomen, joints and chests and there is a variation in the intensity and may last for hours to even weeks.
  • Infections: If the disorder also affects our spleen, infections may also occur. Babies and young children are the main victims.
  • Hand-foot: In the website of the March of Dimes it is stated a syndrome known as hand-foot syndrome (the feet and hands swell and becomes very painful) is common in the sufferers of sickle cell anemia. The main cause is the blocked blood flow from hands and feet. The main cause is the blocked blood flow from hands and feet.

Infants and children may also experience the stunted growth in the presence of sickle cell anemia. The damage in the eye blood vessels can further result in trouble in vision.


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