Understand the Kidney Infection Symptoms Signs and Causes

Kidneys are very vital organs of our body responsible for draining out all the unwanted substances in form of urine. It is also one of the primary components of urinary system which also includes other vital organs like urinary bladder, urethra and prostate (in men) and ureters (in women). The Kidneys are located on the middle back of the body on either side, under the diaphragm. It is responsible for regulating the blood pressure, filtering waste products and maintaining the concentration of electrolytes in the body. It also contributes to the production of red blood cells in the body.

Kidney infection is a type of infection that affects the entire urinary system and is part of the urinary tract infection (UTIs). In general, there are two types of UTIs, the lower urinary track infection and the upper urinary track infection. The lower urinary track infection affects the urethra, bladder and the prostrate. The upper urinary track infection affects the kidneys. The condition is also known as pyelonephritis.

The kidney infection is caused when a particular bacteria penetrates into the urinary track through the streamline of urine and enters our body. Most commonly, the bacteria gets access to the body through the urethra which is also exposed to the outside of the body. The common sources for the bacteria to enter are the vagina, anus and the skin of the genitals. As the urinary track of the women is shorter than the men it affects the women more than the men. As per survey report, about 40 % of women are affected by kidney infection each year. About 10 % men are affected by kidney infection in there lifetime and that too at extremely old age. Many a times, kidney infection also affects children below 5 years of age. It frequently affects boys less than one year of age and girls less than 4 years of age. In case of children it is very difficult to diagnose kidney infection as the symptoms are not easily visible in the early years of age. In case of elders there some predispose condition that can lead in infection in the urinary track.

Most women conceive kidney infection from sexual intercourse. In this case the man’s penis introduces the bacteria from outside to the urinary tract through the urethra. Pregnant women are more susceptible to kidney infection due to the slower transit of urine into the bladders from the ureters because of the increased pressure. It is calculated that about 10 % of pregnant women suffer from kidney infection during their pregnancy. Kidney stones are another reason that can develop kidney infection. Kidney stones partially or completely block the passage of urine which can lead to infection. Hospital or elderly patients who are not able to urinate independently are put to catheters which act as vehicle of bacteria causing infection in the urinary track. In children mostly uncircumcised male gets affected with kidney infection or sometimes structural abnormality lead to kidney infection.

The Symptoms of Kidney Infection: The common symptoms of kidney infection includes fever and high temperature, chills, nausea and vomiting tendency, constant fatigue and weakness, a burning sensation during urination (dysuria), dehydration and dull pain in the lower back near the kidney.

During medical investigation of kidney infection doctors examine the tenderness in the back of the flanks situated below the lower ribs called the costo-vertebral angle tenderness. The patients suffering from kidney infection also has rapid heart rate along with the other condition. In case of women pelvic exam is necessary to test whether it is a kidney infection or a pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). In case of chronic patients the symptoms are mild but last longer.


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